Quality of the cardholder itself: 9.5/10 it’s sturdy faux leather will hold all your cards snug and in place. On the authentic boxes, the letters are thick, comparing the authentic vs replica boxes you will immediately see the difference, killing any sort of authenticity.
My main problem is the lettering on the main box itself. Also inside the middle pocket of the cardholder is a small card also labeled louis vuitton. Inside the dust bag you get the cardholder, which is wrapped in paper with a LV sticker holding it, a booklet basically explaining the back story of the design, along with how to take care of your cardholder, and a card at the bottom labeled “louis vuitton”. Inside the box is the classic louis vuitton dust bag, the big “louis vuitton” spellout looks sort of cheaply stamped on the cloth, but i’m not really one to complain about it. It came wrapped in bubble wrap inside a bag and there was no damage to the box from shipping, which is always a plus. I’ve ordered from alfang before (goyard cardholder) and it was fantastic quality, ive had it for just about a year now and it’s held up great. I’ve had this cardholder for about a week and a half now and i’ve held off on a review mainly due to laziness and lack of time.